刘晓丰 集团合伙人





兰州大学法学学士 , 香港城市大学法学硕士 , 东莞律协国际民商事委员会副主任, 东莞市法制教育宣讲团成员(市司法局指定), 2008年度律师先进个人(市司法局颁) , 外商投资、并...



◀ 常盛合伙人 投融资法律顾问


◀ 兰州大学法学学士
◀ 香港城市大学法学硕士
◀ 2001年开始作为专职律师执业,现为广东今久律师事务所合伙人律师,专长于公司法、合同法、劳动法、境内外投融资相关法律。工作语言为广东话、普通话及英文。


◀ 外商投资、并购、国内及涉外民商事务、公司法及劳资事务

◀ 刘晓丰多年来与众多著名机构(包括广发银行、邮储银行、权智集团、伟创力集团、汇勋集团、赫仑公司、凯乐玩具等跨国公司及香港工联会、东莞国药、简爱家居、可园中学、东莞市机动车协会等知名机构)建立了顾问合作或长期合作关系, 以勤勉专业的态度深获赞赏。
◀ 刘律师在投融资及创投期中小企法律服务方面具有丰富经验,包括探讨商业模式、搭建股权架构、处理投资交易关系、协助并购重组等。另刘律师在多年来的民商诉讼中取得较高胜诉率,并因此为非诉法律服务奠定重要基础。
◀ 2009年1月起至今,刘律师持续作为香港政府与香港工联会合办的法律服务项目之顾问,期间经常收到锦旗和感谢信。


◀ 全国律师协会、东莞律师协会会员;

◀ 东莞律师协会涉外业务委员会委员;

◀ 东莞律师协会公司法律专业委员会委员;

◀ 东莞律师协会国际民商事法律专业委员会副主任;

◀ 东莞市政府中心工作律师顾问团成员;

◀ 东莞市中小企业律师服务团成员;

◀ 第16届亚运会律师志愿服务团成员;

◀ 2008、2010、2012年度律师先进个人;

◀ 清远仲裁委员会仲裁员;

◀ 湛江仲裁委员会/湛江国际仲裁院仲裁员。

◀ 广东话、普通话流利,精熟英文,常以英文为工作语言,是本地区少数胜任涉外业务的律师之一。

introduction to the lawyer

LIU Xiaofeng, Sharon, Bachelor of Law (Lanzhou University 1996), Master of Law (City University of Hong Kong 2004), an experienced lawyer and the partner of Guangdong Eternity Law Firm, has practiced since 2001 . She has been focusing on Foreign investment, M&A, Company Law and Commercial transactions.

Ms.Liu provides the long-term service to some cross-border enterprises such as Flextronics, Jarden Consumer Solutions, Group Sense, Canal Toys Asia, and some famous domestic constitutions such as Dongguan State-owned Pharmacy and Janeye Furniture. Her excellent and helpful legal services, especially those related in commercial, trade and labor issues, have been being appreciated by clients.

Since Jan 2009, Ms.Liu has been appointed as the legal counsel of the legal project sponsored by HK government and given by Mainland Centre of the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions, proving consultation service to those HK people living in Mainland. And also, Ms.Liu is often invited to give lectures and participate in legal or cultural program of local broadcast.

professional affiliation:

member, dongguan lawyers association( dgla), national lawyers association;

vice director, committee of international civil & business law, dgla ;

member, team of legal counsel of dongguan government;

member, team of legal counsel of dongguan smes (small and medium enterprise)

volunteer, team of legal counsel of the 16th asian games (guangzhou 2010);

member, team of law publicity (appointed by judicial bureau of dongguan).;

advanced individual lawyer 2008 ( awarded by judicial bureau of dongguan);

member, debating team of dgla;

member, working committee of female lawyers, dgla;

legal counsel, mainland centre of the hong kong federation of trade unions (appointed in the legal project sponsored by hk government)

proficient in english and chinese (mandarin & cantonese), serving foreigners often.

one of the few local lawyers experienced in handling legal affairs involving foreign interests.



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